
Showing posts from March, 2022

Arts fest 2022


organization of school plant - infrastructure

How can you maintain school infrastructure every year? Regular attention using  School profile,  School maps,  Ground inspection. Continuous assessment Good motivation for the development Annual repairing and whitewashing Replacement of broken furniture Changes in library addition, replacement, upkeep of books Water fitting Electric fitting Maintenance of technological equipment Maintenance of peaceful environment Essentials of the school plant site ๐Ÿ‘ฟThe surrounding of school should be healthy with plants and trees, calmness  ๐Ÿ˜ˆIt would be free from disturbance and noise ๐Ÿ‘ฟShould be spacious enough to meet all the requirements of the structure that is playgrounds, farms, lawns, shady trees, cycle stand etc..... ๐Ÿ˜ˆAdequate accommodation for various purpose ๐Ÿ˜ˆStructure should be safe and stable ๐Ÿ‘ฟProtected by a boundary wall ๐Ÿ˜ˆproper ventilation and lighting ๐Ÿ‘ฟProvision of following rooms        * principal room ...

Biological Values

Biological Value : "everything that is desired is desirable" เด†เด—്เดฐเดนിเด•്เด•ുเดจ്เดจเดคെเดฒ്เดฒാം เด…เดญിเด•ാเดฎ്เดฏം Biological values are  connected to the biological and natural growth of children or any living beings . These values mean desire or want. In biological value, needs and desire are more important than any other thing. Biological value gives complete freedom and practice of choice to the children. These values are inherent elements of human life as biological aspect and these relate to food, drink, sex, health and safety for survival  In basic school : biological values is based on life, health and  nature  In high school - biological values is based on life, health and perseverance 


Characteristics of a Good Evaluation Tool . Characteristics of a Good Evaluation Tool 1.    Objective-basedness:   Evaluation is making judegement about some phenomena or performance on the basis of some pre-determined objectives.  Therefore a tool meant for evaluation should measure attainment in terms of criteria determined by instructional objectives.  This is possible only if the evaluator is definite about the objectives, the degree of realization of which he is going to evaluate. Therefore each item of the tool should represent an objective. . 2.    Comprehensiveness:  A tool should cover all pints expected to be learnt by the pupils.  It should also cover all the pre-determined objectives.  This is referred to be comprehensiveness. 3.    Discriminating power:  A good evaluation tool should be able to discriminate the respondents on the basis of the phenomena measured.  Hence while ...